8 June 2019
World Ocean Day

Years back when I was a kid, the word Sea/Ocean itself brought immense joy to me. From a family living miles away from an Ocean, the sound of waves, the sea breeze, the sea sand everything that relates to sea used to bring euphoric not only to me but also to my family. The salty breeze always manages to get my extreme reactions both yucks & smiles as the breeze which bestows a soft sensation is the same breeze which tastes salty whenever I wet my dry lips. And the beach sand, Do I even need to mention how tired I get while walking in the sand getting the sand particles in between my toes yet enjoying the tickles it sends down my spine? To the cherry on the top, many times I stood at the shore watching the waves brushing my feet and go back to its home leaving the sediments where I always search for pearls in a hope. Everything related to Ocean is heavenly. I think no one can even dislike the beach let alone hate. But…

The Ocean not anymore holds the same beauty.

Last month when I had been to a beach guess what I felt near my feet at the shore? Instead of pebbles & stones, dead fishes, sharks and sea animals are pushed in multitudes to land from their home by the waves.

Why are they evacuated from their homeland?

Why are mass deaths happening?

What causes everything?

There’s only a single word answer which is apt for the above questions.


Plastic which we throw replaced their food. Cognitive thinking which distinguishes us from other living beings are those who throw plastics carelessly even after knowing the destructive consequences. And the living being which lacks in cognition mistakes plastic as their food and eats it only to die. We may never kill anyone consciously but we’re unknowingly killing millions of living beings every day by polluting Ocean which comprises 72% of our Earth. I can’t even imagine the future of the Earth if 72% of its volume is polluted badly. Already there’re a lot of water bottles and plastic covers are floating in the water and sometimes it comes to the shore and tangles with our feet. Isn’t that an alarm? Aren’t the time arrived to safeguard our resources? Yes, it’s the Time.

Let’s Avoid Plastics and Save millions of living beings relenting justice to our mother Earth, in turn, saving our future.

Simple easy tips which I use to avoid plastics:

*Carry paper bags or cloth bags whenever you go shopping.

*Use reusable cups instead of use & throw plastic cups.

*Replace plastic water bottles with silver/copper bottles or any alternatives.

*Avoid buying food from restaurants which gives food in plastics.

*Go for alternatives of plastic lunch boxes.

*Stop the usage of straws.

These are something I follow on a regular basis. If you’ve anything other than this share your knowledge with me. It’ll be useful for me and for your fellow readers.

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